Heaven is a hard concept for many to grasp. There are those who would think of heaven as a truly dull, boring place.
Who wants to live in the clouds, where all there is is singing and worship? Well, I can only assume heaven is nothing like our strange delusions- the classical idea of walking in an endless mass of clouds and blue.
And how could heaven possibly be ‘paradise’ if it is the same for everyone? If it is an eternity of clouds? Who would want that? I should think noone. I can only assume that heaven- being an eternal paradise- will be different for every person- that’s not to say we will all be separated- more likely everyone perceives it differently. Heaven will most likely reflect one’s soul and their interests.
Let me paint you a picture. Heaven- for me- would be a place of eternal night- not darkness- but a perfect midnight. Cool, crisp air- not too cold, and not too hot- just cool, mild. The sky would be an expanse of purples and blues- so clear that all the stars would be visible- a multitude of silver rivers running against the velvet sky- and a full moon to light the ground below. And rainbows? Who would need them when there are snakes of color slithering through the sky like the northern lights?
The soil at my bare feet would be soft- no weeds or thorns to pierce my flesh. The grass would be a rich green, accented by the darkness. There would be luminescent flowers of cool colors- and a clear blue lake surrounded by beautiful rock formations and weeping willows and cherry trees- always in bloom. And who could forget the music of the night? There would be the mild chirping of crickets- the occasional hoot of an owl- wolves singing their mournful melody. Yes, I can see there being animals in heaven- there were in the Garden of Eden, and that was practically heaven on earth.
What else? Ah, yes, there would be the solitude of it all- the ability to be on my own when need be- but ever present would be the ability to reach out to the many other souls- my family, those who I know not now, but will know and love then. And most importantly of all? God. God’s omnipresence- his protection and love constantly surrounding me- keeping me safe and comfortable.
Is that not a prettier picture than clouds? I would certainly think so. Heaven is not overrated- it is misinterpreted- underrated. It is there for those who would reach out for it- for those who seek it.
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