Wednesday, January 6, 2010

~ Dear You,

Dear you..

I`m sorry I was the problem. Sorry you couldnt be the solution.
I`m sorry I wasnt good enough. This is the best I can be, even without all this commotion.

I`m sorry my life isnt simple. That the best I can do is fake the same old smile.
I`m sorry I told you I loved you. I guess you didnt want my love, even for a little while.

I`m sorry things turned out the way they did. Sorry you had to lie about forever.
I`m sorry about the things I have said. For the words that I still hide.
I`m sorry for the anger I hold inside. That this was just one big emotional rollercoaster ride.

I`m sorry I cared so much about you. I guess I was stupid to ever think you felt the same.
I`m sorry I am so blind. That this was all a never ending game.
I`m sorry you thought I judged you. For all the forgotten acceptance I use to hold for you.

I`m sorry I dreamed up a world you couldnt handle. That I just wanted you to be happy too.
I`m sorry I am more then you bargained for. Sorry I ever thought you could just accept me.

I`m sorry most of all at the fact that I wrote this just for you. That again I fooled myself into believing you cared.

Sincerly Yours,

A Damaged Heart, One Last Burning Tear, And A Boy Wont Cant Ever Forgive.


Eve said...


Paranormal ME said...

@ Eve Dreams


~~Coca Moca~~ said...

omg! this is so my story. You dont know me, I am just someone random. Wish I could write as good as you did.