If you were here right now,
I would give you a hug and tell you my feelings.
If you were here right now,
I would love you till death... literally.
If you were here,
I would sit with you in the warm summer breeze,
even though it's December.
If you were here,
I would study your face;
memorize your voice,
your eyes,
your smile.
If you were here,
I would have more than just a fragment of hope,
something tangible to hold onto.
If you were here,
I would tell you who I really am and know that you would stay.
If you were here,
I could stay in your arms,
and nothing would ever hurt me again.
If you were here,
you could sew my heart together again,
putting the pieces in the proper places.
If you were here,
you could make me feel alive,
and I wouldn't have to pretend;
feeling as if I am ceasing to exist.
If you were here,
you could make all the pain go away,
the screaming and the bleeding;
I know you could.
If you were here,
you could love me, too.
you're not...
Nice 1...
thanks dude...
keep blogging nd commenting...
yes they really pay! the PTC sites people advertise and they pay the sites when they advertise....we view them and they pay us....want some proofs?
ask me if u want proof
awesome ...
That Was Really Nice
a nice one...!!
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