Thursday, August 27, 2009


Only desiring one embrace:


Only feel one desire:


Only embrace one hope:


So close and it calls, being a whisper away:


breaking down to the point, where the one friend left is:


Being so tired
fading into tiredness
all that can be felt is death
all that can be desired is death

no lover to warm away death's chill
instead the kiss to grace my lips will be chill

no passion to get blood red and hot
rather it's deaths veins of blue embalming

only death is there for me

some day i will kiss death
some day i will embrace death
some day i will give up and ...

I am so tired
then it happens
the contradiction
the ironic truth
hitting one extreme
to discover the other side

to dance a last dance
to embrace the ending

all require energy and life
I am too tired even for that
death can go elsewhere
it isn't time

maybe tommorow after sleeping
but then again the tireness
will have moved on with the dawn
so death will have to wait

one day i will joyfully
embrace my last companion
that date is in the future
living is in the here and now
and that is life everlasting
death's hold is never in the here and now
rather its always merely an event of
the future or past

ironic to find immortality within death itself
the secret, the truth, the path of immortality
is simply to live in the moment

the secret of children
when we feel we can never die
thats the difference of being an adult and a child
all simply being within the moment and not outside
the moment is eternity
the moment is life ever lasting
within the moment a smile can be found
to warm the blood back to pounding

At times a calling


embrace the moments to find


starting this moment
within this single poem


Saturday, August 8, 2009


I walked along an empty road, but I was not alone. I could feel so many lives; each heartbeat, each breath and thought, from far beyond the parallel lines between which I traveled. The earthen road was lined with ferns, ancient things that had seen millennia more than I, and they were still and quiet. I wondered how it was that they lived, because there was no Sun in sight, nor was there a moon, nor stars. The universe was empty all around, but so teeming with life.
Someone walked ahead the whole way, and we never shared a word.
The mirror broke. I don’t know how, or why—it fell to dust in my palms, just suddenly. I was not sad, though. I let it all fall down to my feet, and it continued to fall, and fall, forever.
From the dust, galaxies gathered, reaching out their spiral arms and breathing anew. As they gathered strength, the light grew within them. It grew from the inside outward, attracting planets like moths to flame. I watched it all begin from dust.

I lived within an endless sea, and I was content. I spent my days and nights floating, aware of nothing, and always moving onward. I never once looked back. There was no time for that, with so short a life as mine. I had no body, no shape at all, but I saw the world. It was a good life.

He said that I couldn’t save them. I told him that he was right.
He still told me how I could. It was too late by that time, though, and I told him that as well. It’s usually too late, by the time that we find the solution to our problem. I don’t even know what the problem was, but I know that it was beyond even me.
I could have saved them, but I never would.

It was my best work yet. I couldn’t see it, but I knew that it was. I was the only one who thought so. No matter how many times I heard that there was nothing there, I was happy.
You should appreciate what you can’t see, I told them. It is the most important part of life.

It was so tempting to transgress the boundaries around me. If I did, though, the world below would tilt out of focus and tumble from sight to implode with a soft whimper.
I was trapped like a mouse within four walls, without a door; I had only one escape through which I could try to climb, but at the risk of destroying so many other lives. Could I be selfish, for once?

I continued to stand still on a single point, for fear of losing my most precious burden.